воскресенье, 16 октября 2011
Официальный синопсис 6 эпизода "Аббатства Даунтон" + пересказ на русском.
UPD. - добавлено описание от Global Herald
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В Аббатство Даунтон прибывает раненный канадский офицер, и вносит сумятицу во все. Он раскрывает свой секрет леди Эдит, но каковы его мотивы? Как это отразится на семье? Роберт объявляет, что перемирие наступит 11 ноября. Изобел планирует, как именно Даунтон будет продолжать помогать раненным, но у Коры другие соображения. Томас продолжает свои интриги, на этот раз с поощрения миссис Патмор. В это время телефонный звонок заставляет Бейтса уехать в Лондон. Сможет ли он сохранить невозмутимость в общении с Верой, даже с учетом просьбы лорда Грэнтема? Этель с ребенком приходится нелегко. Миссис Хьюз помогает ей, пока об этом не узнает Карсон.
A wounded Canadian officer comes to Downton to recuperate and unsettles everything. He confides his secret to Lady Edith but what are his motives? Where will this leave the family?
Robert declares that the ceasefire will begin on the 11th November. Isobel has plans for Downton to continue to help the war’s wounded in some way but Cora has other ideas.
Thomas continues his scheming, this time with encouragement from Mrs Patmore.
Elsewhere below stairs, Bates receives a phonecall, which sees him depart for London. With Robert’s warning to remain calm ringing in his ears, does Bates heed the Earl’s caution not to lose his temper with Vera?
Ethel is struggling to look after her baby. Mrs Hughes has been helping Ethel until she is discovered by Carson.
In a sad and grey episode, the difficulties of those in the house rise to the surface all at once. A major spanner is thrown into the works when an injured soldier stakes a claim to the title of Downton. Matthew’s future as Earl is cast into doubt and his bitterness over his injuries, broken engagement and altered future shows through his dignified response. Edith shares his disappointment as the family refuses to recognise the man she once loved as the Crawley cousin who went missing in the Titanic disaster.
Disappointment faces Mr Bates and Anna as Bates’ protracted divorce wears on. Isobel is sidelined once and for all as both the Countess and Dowager Countess team up to take the house back for private family use. Even the stolid Carson has his world turned upside down by a request he feels unable to refuse from Lady Mary. For her part, Lady Mary is torn between her fiancé and her fierce loyalty to Matthew, but Sir Richard Carlisle soon brings her attention to her duties and proper direction.
Thomas and O’Brien cook up some serious schemes over fags in the back yard. The Earl has to dine by himself and the new maid steps in with some chatter about her son’s hopes for grammar school. Mrs Hughes does her best for Ethel, but the Major refuses to play a part in her life. The episode ends with a hugely important piece of news that will create great unease amongst those with secrets to keep in Downton, secrets that could tear apart the estate, family and even Sir Richard’s newspaper empire.
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